Our colleagues magyarul


kép Bea Udvari, PhD
founding member and chair of EKO
kép Anita Kéri
economist, philologist, translator
founding member and vice chair of EKO
kép Ildikó Pusztai-Varga, PhD
language teacher, translator specialized in literature, translation researcher
founding member and vice chair of EKO
kép Sándor Huszár
founding member of EKO
kép Tímea Perepelicza-Udvari
founding member of EKO
kép Szabolcs Prónay, PhD
founding member of EKO
kép Bertalan Pusztai, PhD
cultural anthropologist
founding member
kép Ildikó Tóth, PhD
chemist, teacher of chemistry and mathematics
founding member of EKO
kép Zsolt Udvari
mathematician, teacher of mathematics and physics
founding member of EKO
kép Júlia Urbánné Mező, PhD
founding member of EKO
kép Noémi Vizi
marketing manager


Bea Udvari, PhD fényképe
Bea Udvari, PhD (economist)

founding member and chair of EKO

She received her PhD degree at the Doctoral School in Economics, University of Szeged in 2012. Her main research interest is aid activity in developing countries, the international development cooperation policy of the European Union, and global education. She spent 4 months as a researcher at the Aston University (Birmingham, UK) between 2017-2018. She is a co-author of a recently published Hungarian book about international development cooperation.

As an associate professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged, she finds it important that her students acquire knowledge through active learning, and she teaches global issues in her numerous courses (Global Economy; International Development Cooperation, Globalization and Development). She supervised several students in the topic of providing aid to developing countries. She pays attention to continuous educational renewal.

She worked as an expert, project manager and financial manager in several national and international projects (HURO, South-East Europe Programme, Danube Transnational Programme, Central Europe).

Anita Kéri fényképe
Anita Kéri (economist, philologist, translator)

founding member and vice chair of EKO

She currently works as a PhD candidate and assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged. She teaches Marketing and Market Research for Hungarian and foreign students, and she gives lectures on Non-business marketing for Hungarian students.

Her main research profile includes the loyalty and satisfaction of foreign students. In 2019 she is supported by a research grant (New National Excellence Program) and she conducts research on co-creation and how it can be incorporated into higher education and to the education of economics.

As a lecturer she finds continuous development and improvement of the courses really important, so she was also invited to the educational development group at the Faculty. She is also a member of the Association for Marketing Education and Research (EMOK), participates in the gamification attempts of the Faculty in the framework of the ISGEE (Implementing Serious Games in Entrepreneurship Education) project funded through Erasmus+.

Ildikó Pusztai-Varga, PhD fényképe
Ildikó Pusztai-Varga, PhD (language teacher, translator specialized in literature, translation researcher)

founding member and vice chair of EKO

She received the PhD degree in translation science in 2013 at the Doctoral School of Language Sciences of ELTE. As a researcher, she regularly publishes articles on the cultural aspects of translation, on translation specialized in literature, and the education of translation. As a translator specialized in literature, she has published a manuscript on Finnish poetry, and she often organizes interactive exhibition on poems.

Since 1997, she has been working in adult education and higher education as a language teacher and translator specialized in literature. She aims to use innovative, creative and motivating tools during her work. She also has experiences on improvement of language competences for people with dyslexia and on managing training programs in higher education institutions.

She currently works as an international director at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged. Her main duties are the quality assurance of the international training programs of the Faculty, and supporting improvement in teaching methodologies and intercultural aspects reflecting the international teaching environment at the Faculty.

During her university studies and due to her current work, she has wide international experience, mostly on higher education. She is a member of the Association of Linguists and Language Teachers, and she is a founding member of the Translation and Interpretation Studies Workshop in Szeged.

Sándor Huszár fényképe
Sándor Huszár (economist)

founding member of EKO

Tímea Perepelicza-Udvari fényképe
Tímea Perepelicza-Udvari (economist)

founding member of EKO

She received her degree in tourism in 2010. During her university studies, she spent a semester in Bulgaria where she could get to know the Bulgarian culture and education system. She has also project experience. In 2017 she evaluated project proposals, later on she worked as a project assistant and communication manager in an international project implemented in the framework of the Danube Transnational Programme.

At the moment, she practices creative education with her two small daughters. She finds environment protection important, so she raises her daughters accordingly. She actively participated in the “plastic-free July” movement, and since then she has been using and looking for opportunities to protect the environment.

Szabolcs Prónay, PhD fényképe
Szabolcs Prónay, PhD (economist)

founding member of EKO

He received a PhD degree in 2011 in the Doctoral School in Economics at the University of Szeged. He works as an associate professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged. He is a researcher in the Interdisciplinary Knowledge Management Centre of the University of Szeged, and he works as a marketing advisor and expert.

He is committed to talent management, too. With his supervision, more than 200 students worked on their final theses, and he is currently a supervisor of 6 PhD students. A number of his students were granted 1st prize at the largest national contest of young researchers.

He is a member of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC), he regularly participates in their annual conferences. He is a board member of the Association for Marketing Education and Research (EMOK), and founding member of the Marketing Club and Innovation Club at the University of Szeged.

As a leader of an international consortium (in the frame of an Erasmus+ project) he currently works on the development of an online game that may improve the entrepreneurship competences of the students in higher education.

Bertalan Pusztai, PhD fényképe
Bertalan Pusztai, PhD (cultural anthropologist)

founding member

Pusztai received his PhD at the University of Jyvaskyla (Finland), habilitated at the University of Debrecen (Hungary). He chairs the Department of Communication and Media Studies at the University of Szeged and he is the director of studies of the Tourism and Catering BSc program at the Faculty of Economics.

His research focuses on critical tourism studies, the relationship of identity and social communication, and on intercultural communication. Besides he carries out applied market research and is a communication advisor at the field of tourism.

Ildikó Tóth, PhD fényképe
Ildikó Tóth, PhD (chemist, teacher of chemistry and mathematics)

founding member of EKO

She received her PhD degree in 2013 in the Doctoral School of Chemistry at the University of Szeged. Currently, she works as a researcher at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Informatics, University of Szeged. Her research profile covers surface and colloidal chemistry in the field of material science. She is the first or a co-author of 29 articles published in international journals, and she is a co-author of a book chapter published in English. In 2014, she received a research grant, and currently she is a research grant holder for 3 years.

As a university lecturer, she focuses on the development of global and critical thinking and on the development of environmental competencies, and emphasizes responsibility-taking. These motivate her to continuously renew her teaching methodologies. In Móra Ferenc Specialized Dormitory (Móra Ferenc Szakkollégium), she has her own courses and regularly gives interactive lectures in their summer camps for the talented youngsters.

Zsolt Udvari fényképe
Zsolt Udvari (mathematician, teacher of mathematics and physics)

founding member of EKO

He received his degree of teaching in 2006. He has been teaching math and physics since 2005 in Bethlen Gábor Calvinistic High School (a secondary school in Hódmezővásárhely). He has been the leader of the working group for mathematics since 2012. He is also a member of the Eötvös Lóránd Association for Physics.

In 2019, he completed a training program on “measuring-evaluating” organized by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics with excellent results. He uses his experience and new knowledge to improve and make his education more effective. He uses his knowledge on finance to improve the financial literacy of his students. He regularly participates in developing and testing teaching materials (e.g.: GeoMatech). His students regularly participate in local and national competitions on math and physics and win the best prizes. They also learn natural sciences or engineering in higher education.

As a novelty, he has his own website where one can freely find the teaching materials he has created.

Júlia Urbánné Mező, PhD fényképe
Júlia Urbánné Mező, PhD (economist)

founding member of EKO

She received a PhD degree in economics in 2017 in the Doctoral School in Economics at the University of Szeged. In her dissertation, she focused on youth unemployment in the European Union. Since 2018, she has been working at the Corvinus University of Budapest. She teaches Microeconomics and Industrial Organization. Since 2019, she has been studying special education.

Noémi Vizi fényképe
Noémi Vizi (economist)

marketing manager

She received her degree at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Szeged. As a researcher, she concentrated on the factors pulling and retaining talents in cities and workplaces. She was awarded with a special award in the largest national competition for young scientists. In the autumn semester of 2019, she is a research grant holder and analyses the factors that make a workplace attractive for the talents.

She worked as a communication manager in several projects of the Danube Transnational Programme. Her duties included managing social media platforms, organizing events and preparing short movies and animated videos.
